Wednesday 27 November 2013

Kawan baik

Gajah ialah haiwan yang besar dan berat.dan tidak menjadi hobi kepada manusia.Anjing haiwan yang kecil diminati sebagai hobi.Gajah dan anjing tidak pernah menjadi kawan yang rapat.Dalam gambar ini gajah dan anjing merupakan kawan yang rapat dan setia.Ini kerana ajaran dan latihan oleh pemiliknya.

Monday 25 November 2013

Tanam padi dibumbung apartmen

Orang di China menggunakan bumbung bangunan apartmen mereka untuk menanam gandum dan padi.Ini satu usaha kerajaan kepada petanian..

Saturday 23 November 2013

Taman Hijau

Hijau,menghijau,menghijaukan,kehijauan dan kehijau-hijauan warna yang amat menarik kepada manusia dan haiwan.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Hilang 180 kg

In 2008, Mayra Rosale became famous as a Half-Ton Killer after she fell on her 2-year-nephew Eliseo and killed him. She was found not guilty, and her sister Jaime is serving a 15-year sentence for abusing a child. Her weight was around 1,000 lbs (450 kg) back then. Now, 32-year-old woman got rid of 600 lbs (270 kg) of weight. She looks much better now.

A day in China

Wooden sculpture by Chinese artist Zheng Chunhui

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Baju dan kucing

Kesayangan seseorang berbeza antara satu sama lain.Ada orang sayang arnab,ikan,burung dan kura-kura.Kesayangan saya ialah KUCING.Saya gambarkan kesayangan saya pada setiap baju seperti dibawah ini.

Siamese fighting fish

Siamese fighting fish have been line bred for over 120 years
Breeding created today’s stunning colours and long finage
Colours range from red to blue to white in most of the species
Keepers are recommended to only have one male to a tank as they will fight each other to the death
The brilliant coloration, and long flowing fins of the Betta make it one of the most well known of aquarium fish
A long history of captive breeding has changed the shape of the species
Females are usually not as highly coloured, and have much shorter fins

Saturday 16 November 2013

Selepas Typhoon Haiyan

A massive typhoon, reported as one of the strongest storms on record this year, came ashore in the central Philippines today. The storm packed sustained winds of 147 miles per hour

Manusia dan typhoon Haiyan

A massive typhoon, reported as one of the strongest storms on record this year, came ashore in the central Philippines today. The storm packed sustained winds of 147 miles per hour and forced more than 700,000 people from their homes.

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