Thursday 6 September 2012

Tidur sesaat menyegarkan badan

As their buildings are too small to include dormitories and most of the pupils live too far away to go home for lunch, they take their traditional midday nap on top of their desks.  Known as the wujiao, the half-hour nap is a familiar concept in schools across mainland China , and generally happens straight after lunch.
Some of the youngsters bring pillows and blankets for enhanced napping comfort
Tertidur bersama anak tersayang
The traditional midday nap is meant to set pupils up for an afternoon of solid learning
The wooden desks don't look promising as beds go, but the pupils appear to have got used to them
Most of the pupils live too far from home to take their midday nap there, so desk-top dozing has evolved as a compromise
Pupils from Xi'an in western China catch 40 winks on top of their desks

1 comment:

  1. yelah kecik2 la nak disiplinkan diri ye tak?


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